EDH – Efficient Deck Hand
£550 (exc. VAT)
Course Duration:
5 days
Course Dates
07/04/2025 to 11/04/2025
9.00 to 1630 hours
12/05/2025 to 16/05/2025
9.00 to 1630 hours
Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) is the qualifying examination for an Able Seafarer Deck certificate. You must be at least 17 years of age to qualify.
One of the below certification and experience will permit entry on to the EDH course and examination:
– An MCA accepted Yachtmaster Offshore
– A Yacht Rating with at least 6 months’ seagoing service and a steering certificate
– A Navigational Watch Rating (NWR Certificate)
– A Boat Master Licence (BML) Tier 1 level 2 certificate
– A Tug Rating with at least 6 months’ seagoing service and a steering certificate
– NWR Certificate
Please note: before an EDH certificate can be issued, a minimum of 6 months’ seagoing service in vessels of 15m or more is required. Seagoing service in category C and
D waters will be accepted at full rate.
Please refer to Merchant Shipping Notice (MSN)1862 for full information.
Course Content
This course, EDH – Efficient Deck Hand, is to provide seafarers who work in the deck department the essential education and training in seamanship, meeting the Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency (KUP} requirements set out in the STCW Table A-II/5.
Candidates will gain an understanding of safe working deck hand practices with the MCA approved Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) short course.
Areas covered include seamanship, cargo work, pilot ladders and means of access, shipboard organisation and other associated topics.
Assessment will be carried out via direct observation and oral questioning.
To either book or enquire about this course then please click the ‘enquire now’ button above, to access our contact form and secure your place.